Welcome to my professional hub. I am a researcher, policy advisor/consultant, and lecturer with nearly twenty years of involvement in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies (STI). My work centres around unraveling the heterogeneity of innovation. This includes understanding how socio-economic factors interplay with the emergence of new technologies and their impacts on businesses, industries, regions, countries, and communities. I am particularly interested in measuring “unmeasurable” aspects of STI.
My skills lie in meaningful data-driven storytelling. I combine work with theories, concepts and frameworks with in-depth data analysis. I practice microeconometrics, causal inference and computational social science. It allows me to effectively approach both traditional and novel data sources. I enjoy exploring the latest practices for delivering data-driven insights, such as reproducible analytical workflows in R, Python and Quarto.
I’m always ready for collaboration and discussions. If you’re looking to incorporate my expertise into your projects, need lectures about Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies, or simply wish to engage in a conversation, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to connecting with you.
Download my CV .
Dr. rer. oec (PhD) in Economics of Innovation, 2018
Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
MA in Economics, 2008
New Economics School, Moscow, Russia
MSc in Applied Mathematics and Programming, 2005
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia